Welcome to the home of the Caltech OSA Student Chapter.
Founded in 2005, and revived in 2014, the Caltech Student OSA Chapter aims to bring together optics students, engineers, scientists, and researchers in the community to encourage the exchange of ideas and promote awareness in the optical sciences.
The Caltech OSA chapter is supported by OSA and the Graduate student council. We also host coorganized events with the department of Applied Physics and Materials Science.
If you are interested in joining the Caltech OSA chapter, please send an email to one of our current student members.
Join our mailing list to stay up to date with future events.
Nine club members went to visit EMCORE a laser company with a long history linked to Caltech!
We recently went on a field trip to the Ivanpah Solar Power Plant near Las Vegas to visit their facility.
We went to visit Mellanox’s silicon modulation facilities in Melno Park.
We headed out to the GMARS facilities from November 7th to the 8th to partake in their star party. Hiking during the day, observing stars and nebulas by night. We all had fun, even in the freezing weather.
Thursday October 15th at 4:30pm in the Watson Courtyard
Greet new students, eat ice cream, and hang out! What is there not to like?